Fulton Hogan Ltd, a major NZ construction company trading in both NZ and Australia specifies

SPRINGBELT as their preferred operator restraint and asks machinery suppliers to quote for new plant fitted with SPRINGBELT Fulton Hogan’s Professional Plant Engineer Graham Eaton writes to a hire plant supplier:

As the preferred hire equipment supplier to Fulton it is important that you understand our plant need and objectives.

For the last 3 years I have been demanding and driving a change to Springbelt seatbelts across the board on construction equipment to force our operators to wear seatbelts. Unfortunately it is not just enough to fit a belt and hope they wear it in today’s OSH environment. We have had a few instances where these belts have saved our people and I have no problem having our plant suppliers change the OEM belts for this belt at an additional cost of $300 – $400.

With confidence, I know, where we have a Springbelt fitted, the operator is wearing the seatbelt.

To ensure your hire fleet align with our needs I ask that you seriously consider this device on your fleet, thus ensuring seamless integration with our fleet.

Graham Eatonï Mechanical Engineer ï Fulton Hogan Ltd ï 29 Sir William Pickering Drive, PO Box 39185, Christchurch, 8545.

Ext 3668 Phone +64 3357 3668 Fax +64 3357 1450 Mobile +64 274 357 010 Web www.fultonhogan.com